Book Review
Methodology by C. R. Kothari and Gaurav Garg (2016)
“Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques”, authored by C. R. Kothari and Gaurav Garg is published by the New Age International Publishers. The book has 19 main chapters. Each chapter is discussed in detail, which gives complete information to readers.

The third chapter deals with the research design. It consists of the
meaning and features of the research design, need for the research design,
important concepts relating to research design which includes information
related to variables, research hypothesis and different research designs, basic
principles of experimental designs and important experimental designs. In the fourth
chapter, the authors explain about the designs of sample survey. Which includes
introduction to sample survey, sample design, sampling errors and non-sampling
errors and the difference between sample survey and census survey is briefed
with types of sampling designs. Chapter 4 is the smallest among all other
The chapter 5 deals with the important part of research that is measurement and
scaling. The qualitative and quantitative data are explained with good
examples. Further classification of measurement scales, goodness of measurement
scales, sources of errors, techniques of developing tools, scaling, scale
classification and multidimensional scaling are explained. The chapter 6 deals with the data collection which
is again important part of social science research. The types of data
collection are explained. This book also explains about the important points to
be considered while procuring secondary data and selection of appropriate
method for data collection. The case study method is explained in detail in
this chapter.
The seventh chapter is on data preparation, which explains about the
data preparation process in detail and also talks about the importance of
statistics in research. There by this connects the next chapters which are
concentrated on statistics part of the research. The eighth chapter to
eighteenth chapters are concentrated on statistics. The eighth chapter deals with the descriptive statistics, which
explains about skewness, measures of relationship, kurtosis.
chapter deals with the sampling and statistical inference, which gives
explanation regarding sampling and non sampling errors, sampling distribution,
degree of freedom, which is important in finding the standard freedom and
explains about statistical inference. Highlight of this chapter is tests of
significance i.e hypothesis testing. Statistical inference is important while
drawing results from the collected data. In the tenth chapter testing of hypothesis is explained in detail with lot
more concepts. It talks about the definition of hypothesis and basic concepts
in testing of hypothesis. Hypothesis testing for different statistical tests.
chapter talks about the chi-square tests and chapter twelve, explains the analysis of variance. These two chapters explain
the problems on the topics and give chance to reader to learn proper steps in
the calculation process. There is also scope for the reader to do exercise
related to the calculation. In twelth chapter both the types of ANOVA are
clearly explained. The reader can understand with explanation given by the
Chapter thirteen deals with other nonparametric methods. In this chapter,
spearman’s rank correlation is used in social science research. In chapter fourteen, linear regression analysis is
discussed. In that simple linear regression model, multiple linear regression
model, problem of multicolinearity are explained. In addition to this in the
this third edition, the authors have also included linear regression Analysis using SPSS software, which is very much
useful to carry out the analysis of the data.
chapter talks about the mathematical basis of factor analysis, important
methods of factor analysis, rotation in factor analysis and merits and demerits
of factor analysis. In this chapter, methods of factor analysis are given more
importance and factor analysis using SPSS is also given in detail. In the sixteenth chapter discriminant analysis
is explained.
In the chapter seventeen, distance measures, clustering algorithms and agglomerative
clustering are explained with examples and SPSS screen shots for the better
understanding. Eighteenth chapter
consists of other multivariate techniques like path analysis, canonical
correlation, multidimensional scaling, multivariate anova and latent structure
The last nineteenth chapter gives
information on interpretation and report writing topics. This chapter is
emphasized on techniques of interpreting the data, precautions to be taken
while interpreting data, and significance of report writing. It also gives
information regarding punctuations and abbreviations to be used in the report
writing which arouses interest in reader.
At the end authors give selected
references and recommended readings that can be used for further readings.
overall the book was informative in many ways. The chapters are arranged in a
proper order as the research process or in accordance with the research
process. In the statistics part more examples and problems are given for good
understanding. The present edition also has information regarding use of SPSS
which is very important for a researcher to understand the statistical analysis
part. The language used in the book is simple and easily understandable. A
researcher who thinks research methodology is difficult to understand can read
this book for better and easy understanding of the topic. Any reader can enjoy
reading this book at the same time may avail very good information regarding
research methodology.
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